Well, actually 1.25 shers.
Thanks to Adult Programming Librarian Bob Boyle for this montage from a concert we presented at the Nanuet, NY Public Library
We were invited to participate in Klezathon - the world's first
24 hour non-stop concert of klezmer music and Yiddish song! klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
https://www.facebook.com/yiddishnewyork/videos/249191937194037 klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=search&v=1247176689150243 klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
We were proud to be a part of helping to raise $57,000 to aid war-torn Ukrainians klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
from our appearance at the Merryall Center in Milford, CT klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
Think of this as an audio with a fun part (the camera moves in rhythm to the dance tune). Here T-Klez plalys plays a jok (Rumanian hora) and freylekhs (fast dance tune) collected by the late, great German Goldenshteyn in May of 2016 klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
scroll down to the phrase "2 AUDIO" which appears right under the under the video klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
The first tune is a bulgar (dance tune) composed by Yiddish Theater's Joseph Rumshinsky
...a basement tape... klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips
The second is a medley of two versions - both Hasidic - of menukhe v'simkhe ("rest and joy") recorded live at Jalopy in Brooklyn. klezmer in nj klezmer in ny area video & audio clips